It's been a few days since we last spoke, well since we sent a few text messages.  I guess I am to scared to text her now, I don't know if she wants me to or not - I could do with a sign.  I do keep checking my phone - just incase one has sneaked on in.  You see the trouble is I worry about her, I know I shouldn't but I do, I guess when you love somebody that's what you do, you want to protect them from everything. 

Earlier in the week I wrote about "Bonfire Heart" - the James Blunt song that I keep hearing.  Today before I left for work I heard part of Gary Barlow's new song - just a few lines they were saying "let me go".  The song had me hooked - I couldn't wait to get home and hear the whole song, but those few words I heard sat in my head all day - I could hear her saying them to me, "let me go" "forget about me", I kind of felt a little blue all day.  Once I got home and a number of plays later - I found myself drawn into the lyrics - listening to them over and over again, watching the video as the words appeared and the more I read them, the more I realised - this was somebody saying - go and find your true love, go and find the person you want because I don't give you what you need.  I found myself thinking how I need to tell somebody that exact message (not her) - but its like a pillow - once its been ripped open - you can't just collect all the feathers up and stuff them back in.

I guess what has me thinking is find out what they truly want, what's locked away in their heart - not what they think they want or what they are happy to go along with - when you think you use your head not your heart.  In our heads we make the logical choice, but love is not logical - love has it's own rules.  What were their dreams and desires as they grew up, all girls want to be a princess, to be hugged, to be held and be loved, romanced and protected - because these things are locked away in their hearts from a young age  - just get the key to her heart - find it conversation, long walks and cuddles.