Today I have been looking across the love quotes and advice to be found on good old twitter. Who knew so many people could reach so many others and still not even know them, yet I find the advice they give to be uplifting and inspiring. A single tweet can make a million people smile. One that drew me in today was sent by @lovequotes

"If you love two people then choose the 2nd one, because if you loved the first you would have not have fallen for the 2nd"

It got me thinking about how true that is, but how life makes it so complicated to follow.

They have many more posted, but what tickles me is the contradiction between some of them.

Some of the quotes deal with the joy of love and some deal with the reality of life, the heartbreak so to speak.

I suppose we all get dealt a hand from the deck of love and we take those cards as ours forever, after all who would want to argue with Cupid, each card representing a different chapter of our future love, well, I guess we can learn to play with them, but what if we can change the game, what if we can change a single card, what if we can change the future and win everything we ever wanted, what if Cupid misdealt your hand? What if Cupid threw you a new card and said "Here, sorry I got it a little wrong, these are you cards"

There are a couple of things that I have learned - keep the cards and stay content or change them and appreciate the new hand, because that hand may just be the game changer.

Because at the end of the day - it's not just about being in love, it's about being appreciated, for what you do, what you give and for who you are.