I bumped in to her yesterday, I didn't mean too, it just happened, I needed to get some paper and stopped to grab a coffee, a quick chill out before going home.

I saw her walking across the square I didn't know whether to look away, wave or just yell out her name - in the end our eyes met and she came over.  I kind of liked that, she didn't just walk on by as Sybil would say.

She sat with me and had a cup of tea, I found myself pouring out everything I had written, how I felt that she had pushed me out of a plane.  It felt strange, I wasn't trying to make her feel guilty, I hope I was not horrible about it - her eyes melt me, no matter how hard I try to resist.

You see thats what got me pondering, I should have hated her, I should have not wanted to see her, but I can't hate her and I do want to see her - and thats what keeps puzzling me.  I offered her my advice, we laughed and we even agreed to meet at the weekend. 

You see the trouble is - she once fell over and I guess I just want to be there to catch her if she should fall again.

My advice is to tell them to watch where they put their feet, but if they do fall - they have to trust you, trust you with their life because you will be there to pick them up and kiss them better in a heartbeat.

Thats what friends do, you don't hold grudges, you don't hold hate, you look at them for what they are - a special somebody you will always be in love with.