I found my self thinking today when or who should make the first move - who should blink first.  I was trying to out stare them, hoping they would just send a simple text - something simple like - I still think of you.

It was 12.36pm when I blinked - It had been a rubbish day in the office - I had spent 4 hours feeling like the antique bit of furniture that a family has to decide what to do with after a funeral - I was pushed in to a corner until somebody found a use for me - today was not a positive day.

I think I just need to be thought of, i just wanted them to say, don't worry everything will be fine,  just to get a text back to give me a little boost (well a whole massive boost).  all these troubles and problems were normally talked about over tea, coffee and a special hug.

So I pondered for a while - what should I text - something quirky and funny, something loving and romantic, I found myself texting - "Do you have that urge to text or email but don't know what to say" 

I had no response, well, I had no response that I knew of - for some reason my phone decides when I am allowed to get a text, it does not say - here, here you go, you got a message, it waits for me to spend a few hours thinking I should not have sent it, I should not have blinked.  3 hours later I knew different when my phone decided I had suffered enough.

It didn't say much, but what I read in those few words, brought a smile to my face, because to me it said "Yes, I think about you" and that is all I wanted them to say.

I had been asked not to get in touch for a week or so - I lasted 6 days, until I blinked.

So my advice, is don't wait for them to blink, get in touch, risk everything and maybe, just maybe, you will get a reply, bridges are built over time, but today I think the foundations may have arrived.